Event press release examples
 · 14 min read · February 28, 2024

How to Write Event Press Release: Examples and Templates for PR Pros

Matija Martek
PR&Marketing at Mediatoolkit

An event press release is a specialized press release that aims to announce and promote an upcoming event. It differs from other press releases in several key ways.

Read on to discover:

Looking to create an event press release?

Use Prowly's AI press release generator or templates that you can use for free to easily create your own in a format that journalists expect to receive.

Prowly also lets you find relevant journalists and send out your press release to them directly from the platform.

press release templates in Prowly

Send your event press release to the right journalists

A key factor in getting your press release picked up by the media is pitching to relevant journalists and bloggers—people who are interested in writing about your event.

An easy way to identify relevant media contacts interested in your event is by using a media contacts database, like the one in Prowly.

With the "search by keywords" option, you can find journalists who wrote about events similar to yours in the past.

Prowly media database

You can further refine your search by filtering where a journalist is located or what topics/industries he or she is interested in. This is a much better approach than the “spray and pray” method, hoping that someone will want to cover your event.

If you're seeking more exposure for your press release, explore these 10 ideas on how to effectively promote a press release.

Types of event press releases

There are 4 common types of event press releases:

1. Information about upcoming closed events where we invite journalists or announce they will take place
2. Information about closed events that have already taken place
3. Information about upcoming open events with the intention of using the media to invite their audiences (e.g. nonprofit events)
4. Information about open events that have already taken place

How to write an event press release

If you've written a press release before, you'll quickly realize that an event press release is similar. There are, however, a few key differences you have to keep in mind.

Use the proper release format

An event press release follows the same format as any other press release. What matters is what you include in each section.

Whether you're using a template or creating one from scratch, make sure to include these elements in your press release:

  • Headline – briefly summarize the event in an attention-grabbing way
  • Lead – a longer summary of your event
  • Body – elaborate on the details provided in the lead
  • Date of publishing – ensure the event press release is timely
  • Boilerplate – a short description of you and/or your business
  • Contact information – contact details of the author, company, and/or the PR agency

👉 Want to make your press releases look better? Check out our latest article “How to Design a Press Release (w/ Tips & Examples)" for some helpful tips!

1. Write a compelling headline

Your headline should be concise, attention-grabbing, and reflect the event's main theme or news value.

Recipients of your press release are going to scan the headline in a fraction of a second, so this is the place to make your point.

Convincing media contacts that your event is newsworthy can be a challenge when you have a limited number of characters to work with, so focus on the main takeaway.

2. Craft an engaging lead

As a de facto extension of your headline, use your subheader or lead to expand on what makes your event worth the time and attention of media contacts.

In the first paragraph, provide a concise and engaging summary of the event. Answer the who, what, when, where, and why questions.

3. Provide the details of your event

In subsequent paragraphs, elaborate on the event, including its purpose, significance, and any notable features or guest speakers.

Include information about the date, time, location, and any relevant background about the event's history.

Protip: This is a press release, not a copy for an advertisement. Stay away from salesy language and remember that you’re trying to ignite interest in a story, not a product or service. 

4. Include quotes

Add quotes from key organizers, sponsors, or speakers. Quotes add credibility and a human element to the press release.

5. Include extra information

Share details about any special guests, performers, or noteworthy activities planned for the event.

Mention any sponsors or partners involved in the event.

6. Add your boilerplate

Include a short paragraph about your organization at the end of the press release. This is known as a "boilerplate" and provides background information about your organization.

7. Provide your contact information

Include a media contact person's name, phone number, and email address. Make sure this person is readily available to answer media inquiries.

Create an event press release with AI

AI-powered tools for PR can help you create high-quality press release drafts, provide advanced editing suggestions, and even recommend who to send your press release to.

While it's worth knowing how to create an effective press release from scratch, using tools can help speed up the process and ensure you've ticked all the boxes when it comes to the format and content that journalists expect to receive.

Read more: Mastering AI Press Releases: Comprehensive Guide to Writing and Sending + Practical Examples

Here’s how to create (and send) an event press release using a tool like Prowly’s AI-powered Press Release Generator.

Step 1: Enter basic details about your event press release

  1. Start the process by entering the type of your press release.
  2. Once you select the type, Prowly's AI will ask you to pick your target audience. There are predefined options, such as industry players, customers, or local communities, but you can also add your own.
  3. Choose the language of your press release draft.
Choosing audience in the AI press release generator screenshot of the window

Step 2: Enter key messages about your event press release

Here, you'll want to be as specific as possible and ensure that whatever you choose is the most relevant information.

Here are three key messages that you can provide for your event press release:

  • Purpose: Clearly state the event's goal and its significance. Highlight the unique value it offers.
  • Event Highlights: Describe the most exciting parts of the event, such as keynote speakers, workshops, or special performances.
  • Call to Action: Encourage the media to attend and cover the event. Provide clear instructions on how to RSVP or obtain media credentials.
a screenshot from the tool: places for entering 3 key messages of the press release

Step 3: Answer the follow-up questions

Once you’ve entered the basic information about your event press release, Prowly’s AI will ask you more in-depth questions designed to mirror a natural conversation with the journalists you’re targeting.

You’ll receive ten questions tailored specifically to the content you shared earlier. This will complete your press release draft and reduce the need to answer many follow-up questions from the person you're pitching to.

tool screenshot asking Will there be any experts or trainers present on the event to provide guidance?

Step 4: Customize and edit the press release draft

Whether you've generated a press release draft or written it yourself, you can adjust header font styles, fine-tune the content just like you would in a regular text editor, adjust your press release length, and cater it into a format you're happy with.

An AI Assistant trained in PR writing best practices reviews the draft and suggests improvements based on 11 key criteria, indicating exactly where to edit.

Step 5: Get contact recommendations for your event press release

Prowly’s AI will start suggesting event journalists you can pitch to based on the keywords found in your press release.

As long as you have contact information for the people you want to pitch to, you can always do deeper work and find out about the event they've covered before, or what they're writing about at the moment.

Tips from journalists

Before you write a press release about an event and then send it to relevant journalists, you should first answer a couple of questions:

1. Does the media outlet I’m addressing cover similar events?
2. Does the journalist that I’m addressing deal with my subject matter?
3. Will the journalist find all the info necessary to write a useful article for their audience?
4. What is the most important thing in my event press release, and will it be enough for the media outlet to publish it?

These few points do not exhaust the press release writing issue, but should at least help you get started.

Protip: If you like to invite a journalist to your event, you should also send them an actual invitation (besides the press release), clearly stating the date, time, and venue.

The most important insights in this article, though, come from the journalists I spoke to – each a recipient of dozens of press releases daily.

  • Journalist A: Covering investments, construction, architecture, and real estate
  • Journalist B: Local news, city life, and local government
  • Journalist C: Lifestyle, fashion, beauty & cosmetics, and design
  • Journalist D: Art and culture

Below are some of the things pointed out by the people to whom we send our event press releases and invitations. Let’s check how they define writing a good press release about an event:

1. Avoid "fluffy" type of writing (adjectives, praises, and exaggerations)

Journalist A: I like figures, facts, and sensible quotes instead of a bunch of adjectives and silly references.

Journalist B: You’re doing it wrong if you’re using a million descriptions like “an amazing, one-of-a-kind event that will forever be remembered.” The journalist, then, not only has a difficult time grasping the most important info about the when and where but also may be discouraged from looking hard to find it

Journalist D: When it comes to the language used, I strongly advise against using the so-called cool words as well as overusing capital letters. Even if the headline is interesting, the journalists will most likely not want to spend the time adapting your language to their standards.

2. Present solid facts that interest the press about your event

Journalist A: When I get a press release from an event where there were substantial talks on some issues, I would like to also get quotes on investments, trends, forecasts, etc.

When I read that “the market is growing” or “the future is bright” I begin to lose my will to live. When organizing a conference to which you invite journalists, I would also stay away from “We are happy to announce,” “It is our honor to…” or “With joy we…” When I plan to attend a conference I’m only interested in what will be talked about and who will do the talking.

Journalist B: When you send a press release to a city paper about a concert of a lesser-known band of a niche genre, other than just naming the music category (for example eco-hip-gothic rock), please list something known that the audience can compare it to. After all, this will be read by everyone.

Journalist C: If the event is really a new thing, something non-standard, it makes sense to cover everything from A to Z, starting with the things your reader will find the most interesting.

3. Send your press release to relevant media contacts

Journalist B: It is common practice that the capital city paper gets flooded by spam from a concert agency organizing events all around the country.

Journalist C: Every day, I get hundreds of emails from all kinds of sources and in my work, time is of the essence. I have just a few seconds to look through each, and the ones that irritate me the most are the ones that should not be there at all.

Working in the event department of a fashion magazine, I am not very likely to use your press release about a chicken beauty pageant or the grand opening of a new ceramic tile production line. It’s really crucial to check your contact database and only send out useful info.

Protip: Prowly's media database has over 1,000,000 media contacts that you can use to find the most relevant journalists to send your press release to.

4. Add images and other supporting attachments

Journalist A: When it comes to grand openings, good pictures are key. We probably wrote about the venue before, so we have some knowledge about it, but a good summary is always welcome.

Journalist B: Putting just the name of the event, the date, and the link to a Facebook page description is extremely bad practice. If you didn’t feel like copying the info from your FB page to the email, you can bet that I have no interest in it either. Plus, I am not obligated to have an account on every social media site.

Journalist C: Attachments are incredibly important. They must be of appropriate size and format so that looking through them will not require time and effort.

5. Follow up correctly

Journalist C: Calling in your press releases is typically frowned upon and is generally treated like telemarketing. Journalists try to distance themselves from such PR pros. On top of that, it’s usually an intern without a clue who does the calling. It’s a little easier when you personally know the journalist but it's still a better practice to send them a follow-up email instead.

Journalist D: There is one thing that we really don’t take kindly to. That is sending the same press release to all the email addresses at our office and repeating the process every couple of days. That will undoubtedly land you in the spam folder.

When you think about it, calling may not always be bad. Sometimes we get a poorly written press release, but later the PR department or an agency calls and clarifies or fills in on some info that for some reason was omitted. And it turns out that that’s exactly what we’ve been missing for the article.

Journalist B: If you decide to call, you should have it clear how to approach us, journalists, beforehand. Most calls I receive start with: “Hello, we sent you a press release about the premiere of XYZ. I just wanted to know if you got it. Is there a chance it’ll get published? Did you find it interesting?” It almost always starts like this.

Editors note: Read more about following up correctly in our post Following up on Your Media Pitch – How to Do It Right. And if you're looking to amplify your PR efforts and connect with your community, consider if using local news coverage would be effective. For practical strategies, check out this article on how to get on local news.

Event press release examples

Each event press release example below was created with Prowly's Press Release Creator – a handy drag-and-drop tool for creating visual press releases that you can share with a simple link.

Networking event press release example

VMware Bulgaria announces upcoming networking events with this press release.

Music festival press release example

Looking tips on writing a music press release? Check out this complete guide: "How to Write a Music Press Release (with Examples & Templates)."

Sports event press release example

Discover how to craft a sports press release from scratch using this practical guide: "How to Write a Sports Press Release (with Example and Template)."

Need more examples of press releases? Check out our article "25 Press Release Examples by Type (Plus Free Templates)".

Book launch press release example

Learn the art of creating a book launch press release from scratch with this hands-on guide: "How to Write a Book Press Release (Example and Template)."

Event press release template

If you're looking for a way to speed up the press release creation process, Prowly has multiple press release templates that you can use inside the platform.

The templates include all the most important elements to make sure your story gets noticed by journalists and results in media coverage.

Summing up

The first thought that comes to mind after reading this is that a big part of creating effective press releases is the ability to think critically about your event.

To truly sum up this article, though, I would like to share a piece of advice given to me by my first PR boss when I was starting out – “The key to success is to know and like the media. Getting to know the way they work, their office realities, and listening to their anecdotes about their experiences with PR pros.” Just like the ones shared above.
