Edyta Kowal

CMO at REDD (Real Estate Digital Data)
Press Release Templates Header Image
 ∙ 11 min read

15 Free Press Release Templates for Any Occasion (in Microsoft Word & PDF Format)

Edyta Kowal ∙ 5 Feb 2024
Press release distribution might be time consuming. That's why we have prepared a few templates to help you create effective press releases in no time.
 ∙ 9 min read

What Is Modern Public Relations? 15 Definitions From Experienced PR Practitioners

Edyta Kowal ∙ 30 Jan 2024
Every organization, no matter how large or small, ultimately depends on its reputation for survival and success. What does it mean today to experienced PR practitioners? We asked: Danielle Hibbert (Clearbox), Stephen Waddington (Ketchum), Charlie de Mierre (Porter Novelli London), Vlad Shvets (Fogger), Grzegorz Szczepański (Hill+Knowlton Strategies Poland), Filip Kochan (World Bank), and others.
Online Newsroom Benefits
 ∙ 7 min read

What Is an Online Newsroom & Why Do You Need One?

Edyta Kowal ∙ 18 Dec 2023
In today’s digital era, where news breaks around the clock as millions of people share news stories on social media, and the best brands use the power of journalism to create their own content – your organization needs an online newsroom to remain competitive.
What is inbound PR and why is it worth your communication efforts?
 ∙ 3 min read

What Is Inbound PR and Why Is It Worth Your Communication Efforts?

Edyta Kowal ∙ 11 Dec 2023
What is inbound PR and how can you put it into practice? I’ll discuss this topic with Iliyana Stareva, Global Partner Program Manager at HubSpot and author of the recently published book “Inbound PR. The PR Agency’s Manual to Transforming Your Business with Inbound” that will change the way you handle PR once and for all, and — even more importantly — will do a lot good for you.
Bad Press Release Examples
 ∙ 4 min read

Really Bad Press Release Examples That You Should Be Ashamed Of

Edyta Kowal ∙ 21 Nov 2023
Looking for some bad press release example? Here are some real press release fails that should have never reached the people they did.
 ∙ 13 min read

How to Write an Effective Press Release? Journalists Answer

Edyta Kowal ∙ 15 Sep 2023
How to write useful and effective press releases? What mistakes to avoid? Do the traditional forms of contacting the media still work? What irritates the media the most in the releases they get? – these are some of the questions we asked the representatives of PR News, PR Newswire, Forbes, PR Council, Business Insider Polska, and Automated Insights and the author of the book „Brand Journalism.”
Brand Journalism - Prowly Magazine
 ∙ 7 min read

Content Marketing vs Brand Journalism: Definition, Stats & Examples

Edyta Kowal ∙ 14 Sep 2023
I’m a trained journalist and I now use my journalistic skills to create content for Prowly as their Content Manager. For some people, I am rather a brand journalist. For others – there’s no such thing as brand journalism. They prefer to talk about “failing journalism.” What is fueling this debate?
Making Inbound PR Happen – webinar by Iliyana Stareva from HubSpot
 ∙ 2 min read

Making Inbound PR Happen – Webinar by Iliyana Stareva From HubSpot

Edyta Kowal ∙ 19 Jul 2021
What is inbound PR and how can it help your message reach the media and direct audiences? How to create a pressroom that drives leads? You’ll be able to find out the answers to these and many other questions on July 30th during a direct online session with Iliyana Stareva, Global Partner Manager at HubSpot, blogger and author or a recently published book about inbound PR.
5 sposob na biuro prasowe
,  ∙ 10 min read

Biuro prasowe: 5 inspiracji, które pomogą ci uruchomić własną platformę komunikacyjną

Edyta Kowal ∙ 5 Aug 2019
Chcesz otworzyć biuro prasowe, ale nie wiesz od czego zacząć? Szukasz inspiracji od tych, którzy robią to naprawdę dobrze? Ten tekst jest dla Ciebie.
PR Cribs
,  ∙ 18 min read

#PRCribs: Aliganza Fashion Agency

Edyta Kowal ∙ 27 May 2019
Startujemy z nowym formatem content marketingowym #PRCribs, w ramach którego odwiedzimy z kamerą najciekawsze na polskim rynku brandy i agencje PR.
Kobiety-Pistolety, czyli kaliber, który w PR i marketingu się liczy
,  ∙ 20 min read

Marketing, PR i work-life balance, czyli kobiety-pistolety o swoich planach na 2019 rok

Edyta Kowal ∙ 6 Feb 2019
Pamiętasz nasze zestawienie wystrzałowych kobiet? Dziś sięgamy po nie po raz drugi, podpytując kobiety-pistolety o to, na jakie kompetencje stawiają w 2019 i jak łączą pracę z życiem osobistym...
Kompetencje w PR 2019
,  ∙ 18 min read

PR i marketing 2019: te kompetencje będą w cenie!

Edyta Kowal ∙ 8 Jan 2019
Inwestowanie czasu i energii we własny rozwój sprawia, że doskonalimy charakter. Stajemy się ambitniejsi, wytrwalsi i potrafimy realizować cele, które są dla nas ważne. Na jakie kompetencje stawiają eksperci w PR i marketingu?
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