Press Release Writing and Content Creation

Press Release Best Practices Prowly
 ∙ 14 min read

How to Write a Great Press Release: Best Practices, AI Tips & Examples

Dominika Kuras ∙ 22 Mar 2024
They say all press is good press, but is it really? "All publicity is good publicity" supposedly comes from the 19th century circus owner, Phineas Barnum. And that's exactly where we should leave it. In the 19th century. In reality it is crucial to shape your narrative and deliver it to the right media, not […]
Digital Storytelling Examples Prowly
 ∙ 12 min read

9 Digital Storytelling Examples You Should Know If You Work in PR

Dominika Kuras ∙ 18 Mar 2024
We still get involved in great stories. We live characters' lives, root for them during their journeys and development. And most of all - when they take up a challenge, fail and get back up. Now that is the secret sauce to lifting your PR campaign from simply good to terrific - digital storytelling. Sounds […]
Press release format
 ∙ 14 min read

Press Release Format Guide (w/ Examples)

Zuzanna Dora ∙ 26 Feb 2024
With press release writing, it's not all about the content. The way you present - or format - your press release has a huge impact on its efficiency. Yet, this is a rare topic, as most guides focus on the writing aspect. We're happy to add our two cents and broaden your press release skillset! […]
Social media press release
 ∙ 9 min read

Social Media Press Release Guide (w/ Examples)

Zuzanna Dora ∙ 26 Feb 2024
Social media press releases are present virtually everywhere - but it's hard to find guidelines on how to approach the topic. They differ vastly from your regular press releases and might be taken over by the marketing department. When you’re given the challenge of coming up with a social media press release, fear not - […]
How to design a press release
 ∙ 9 min read

How to Design a Press Release (w/ Tips & Examples)

Zuzanna Dora ∙ 5 Feb 2024
Press releases are usually all about writing. However, a different - design focused - approach sheds light on some game-changing aspects. It can seriously improve your press release efficiency. When you notice all press release design decisions you (often unconsciously) make, you'll definitely upgrade your workflow. Add press release templates to the mix, and expect […]
Anatomy of a press release
 ∙ 9 min read

The Anatomy of a Press Release - a Guide for PR Pros

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 2 Feb 2024
A press release can take an ordinary piece of news and amplify it to reach the right people in the right places. Most press releases follow industry standards and guidelines. If you want journalists, editors, bloggers, and influencers to notice yours, there are certain best practices to follow. Today, we're going to show you exactly […]
a 2d illustration of purple instruments: drums, violin, keyboard, a trumpet and a microphone on a light blue/turquoise background
 ∙ 11 min read

How to Write a Concert Press Release (Examples and Template)

Dominika Kuras ∙ 2 Jan 2024
Even if there’s still plenty of time until the hot music festivals start, concert press releases are already being published, allowing fans ample time to prepare. Find out what these announcements really bring to the stage. Learn how to craft attention-grabbing releases from the right words to perfect timing. And check out our tips on […]
5 Elements of Storytelling
 ∙ 13 min read

5 Elements of Storytelling: A LEGO Campaign Example & Extra Tips

Zuzanna Dora ∙ 1 Dec 2023
Have you ever found yourself questioning your storytelling skills? We've all experienced that nagging doubt, that sinking feeling in the pit of our stomach when we wonder if our storytelling resonates with our target audience. It's a shared struggle, a common pain point for many PR professionals. On a positive note, if storytelling is done […]
An illustration flat lay of hands pointing to various parts of the press release elements
 ∙ 12 min read

How to Write a Press Release Boilerplate - Definition & Guide

Dominika Kuras ∙ 9 Nov 2023
In the PR world, a small element may become crucial. Like something as simple as a boilerplate. What is a boilerplate in a press release? It's like your company's ID card wrapped up in a press release – short and sweet but so very important in making a bond with your audience. As well as […]
an illustration of a red laptop on a green background with hands holding knives, forks and cakes
 ∙ 10 min read

How to Write a Restaurant Press Release (Example and Template)

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 26 Oct 2023
Press releases are one of the most effective ways to spread the news about your restaurant. However, most restaurant owners don't have press release writing skills. Today, we're going to change that. No matter if you’re a business owner or a PR pro who wants to work in the restaurant industry, you need to know […]
three pieces of paper showing different "X" drawings and two Xes in a red circle of the top one symboling a rebranding
 ∙ 10 min read

How to Write a Rebranding Press Release (Examples and Template)

Zuzanna Dora ∙ 20 Oct 2023
Learning how to write a rebranding press release? Congrats! That means that the long process of creating the rebrand is coming to an end. We'll show you how to announce a rebrand with an efficient press release. Getting it right is crucial, especially when you share a business name change announcement. Here's what you will […]
a flat lay illustration of a document saying resignation
 ∙ 9 min read

How to Write a CEO Resignation Press Release (Example and Template)

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 20 Oct 2023
Press releases can be used to announce a variety of events - from bad to good. Sometimes, key people in the company leave and that deserves its own press release - an official announcement of what happened and why. One of the major examples can be a CEO resignation press release, and today we're going […]
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