Dominika Kuras

Marketing & Communications Specialist
 ∙ 12 min read

8 Steps to Get the Media Placements You Always Wanted

Dominika Kuras ∙ 22 Jul 2024
Media placements are the golden tickets of public relations. They offer your brand a spotlight in publications and online platforms that your target audience trust and frequent.  Whether you're doing PR for a startup looking to make its first splash or for an established company aiming to stay relevant, media coverage is a must. It […]
Icons such as mobile, to do list, chart with data that illustrate paid media and paid media campaigns
 ∙ 11 min read

Paid Media Explained (with Best Campaign Examples)

Dominika Kuras ∙ 19 Jul 2024
Organic marketing strategies like SEO are crucial for long-term success. But what if you need to generate leads, boost brand awareness, or drive sales fast? That's where paid media campaigns come in.  This powerful PR format allows you to place targeted advertisements across various online platforms. Thus you can put your brand directly in front […]
PR Collective by Prowly
 ∙ 3 min read

Find your PR Mates: Join PR Collective by Prowly

Dominika Kuras ∙ 5 Jul 2024
Prowly has launched its first community in history - the PR Collective by Prowly. We believe that collaboration and support are key to success in the world of public relations. This community is a collective built on the idea that we are stronger together. It offers a safe and supportive space where you can connect […]
Best CRM tools Prowly PR software
 ∙ 9 min read

Top PR CRM Tools for Public Relations Success in 2024

Dominika Kuras ∙ 13 Jun 2024
Working on your PR without a proper plan or the right tools can  get a bit rough. What a good PR CRM might  offer is more time (and relevant data). With the right tool’s help and the right features, you can skip the repetitive tasks and automate many others. And to help you choose the […]
Why Micro Influencers Should Be Part of Your PR Strategy
 ∙ 12 min read

Why Micro-Influencers Should Be a Part of Your PR Strategy (w/Tips & Examples)

Dominika Kuras ∙ 17 May 2024
You’ve surely heard about big influencers that earn tons of money on collabs with brands. But have you considered the power of micro-influencers? A whopping 82% of consumers stated that a recommendation from a small influencer is more reliable to them. So if you are looking for solid authority and a reliable image that will […]
PR Calendar Prowly
 ∙ 22 min read

The Ultimate PR Calendar for 2024: Special Days, Holidays & Events

Dominika Kuras ∙ 16 May 2024
Forget the generic press releases and social media blasts of yesteryear. This year, it's your time to shine and create catchy content for Special Days you want to celebrate - based on PR experience and data. We’ve got you covered and have prepared a list of days you should mark in your PR calendar for […]
Digital Storytelling Examples Prowly
 ∙ 12 min read

9 Digital Storytelling Examples You Should Know If You Work in PR

Dominika Kuras ∙ 13 May 2024
We still get involved in great stories. We live characters' lives, root for them during their journeys and development. And most of all - when they take up a challenge, fail and get back up. Now that is the secret sauce to lifting your PR campaign from simply good to terrific - digital storytelling. Sounds […]
an illustration of flying paper pieces, a robot arm, a human hand pushing a button and a pair of eyes on the dark blue cosmic-like background
 ∙ 12 min read

Top 22 AI Journalists and Reporters - The 2024 List

Dominika Kuras ∙ 7 May 2024
Isn't the year 2024 the year of artificial intelligence? Sure it is. In a time when technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our world, AI journalists are leading the way in exploring its effects and possibilities. AI can prove highly advantageous for your Public Relations activities, and we're here to assist the big names. […]
 ∙ 13 min read

All You Need to Know About PR Packages: Examples, Ideas and Strategies

Dominika Kuras ∙ 26 Apr 2024
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a big fan of influencers' PR package unboxing videos. What matters is if your potential customers are (and the chance for this is beyond high). PR packages are a powerful tool for brands to build relationships and generate buzz. This article unveils everything you need to know about crafting impactful […]
a 2d illustration of purple chess figures on the coral pink background symbolizing a powerful social media strategy. Small, social media icons in the back in random places and hearts symbolizing liking the content
 ∙ 13 min read

How to Create a Powerful Social Listening Strategy for PR? (with Tips and Examples)

Dominika Kuras ∙ 26 Apr 2024
If you pay attention to the world around you, you will be able to create strong bonds. At work, and especially in PR, it should be as natural as breathing to make you stand out from the crowd, or even prevent accidents. So, how to translate this skill into social media, which is a vibrant […]
 ∙ 14 min read

Advancing Your Media Relations Strategy: Essential Tactics for Seasoned PR Pros

Dominika Kuras ∙ 12 Apr 2024
Refining PR strategies is key to making them successful. Even if you’re already a PR Pro. This article dives deep into advancing your media relations strategies, offering next-level essential tactics specifically designed for experienced public relations professionals. Use these tips to build stronger bonds with journalists, create press releases that really pop, and snag awesome […]
15 Brand Story Examples Prowly
 ∙ 12 min read

15 Brand Story Examples to Get Inspired By (w/ Tips & Templates)

Dominika Kuras ∙ 4 Apr 2024
Jimmy couldn’t really tell if he had opened his eyes, that’s how dark it was. In fact he wasn’t even sure he was still alive. All he could remember was the bloody red dress of that “something” which definitely wasn’t his date and certainly was not a person. Wondering what comes next? Next is your […]
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