15 Brand Story Examples Prowly
 · 12 min read · April 4, 2024

15 Brand Story Examples to Get Inspired By (w/ Tips & Templates)

Dominika Kuras
Marketing & Communications Specialist

Jimmy couldn’t really tell if he had opened his eyes, that’s how dark it was. In fact he wasn’t even sure he was still alive. All he could remember was the bloody red dress of that “something” which definitely wasn’t his date and certainly was not a person.

Wondering what comes next?

Next is your turn to create a well-written and show-stopping brand story for your client. One that catches the attention and connects with the audience's shared experiences, aspirations, and values. 

Learn how to do it from the 15 best story examples from top brands:

What is the brand story of a company?

A brand story is a narrative that covers the essence of your brand. It connects with its target audience on an emotional level. You can say it's the heart and soul of a brand, defining its identity, values, and purpose.

A strong brand story goes beyond the functional aspects of a product or service:

  • It appeals to the essence of a company and helps customers understand its mission and why it exists.
  • It often includes elements such as the brand's founding story, core values, USPs, and the impact it aims to make globally.

And how to amplify your brand's presence after crafting captivating brand stories? With personalized pitching and Online Newsrooms.

Brand story vs. brand storytelling

Leading industry studies show that the importance of PR storytelling is only rising each year. So what's the difference between these two ideas – brand story and storytelling?

Imagine your brand as a person. 👨🏾‍🦱

👩🏻‍🦰 Brand storytelling is like your personality. It reflects your way of communicating and interacting with the world.

🧒 Your brand story, on the other hand, is your backstory. Your origins, your values, and your purpose. All the events that have formed the way you are.

Think of brand storytelling as your overall communication strategy.

🫀 And your brand story is the heart of that strategy.

When you combine them, you will gain a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience and achieving your business goals.

Check out our piece about data-driven storytelling to learn more about this method. And this article with 9 storytelling examples to get inspired by.

Why does a brand story matter to PR?

Isn’t brand storytelling a task for well - the brand teams? Not really.

As experts in communication and messaging, PR professionals are uniquely equipped to help develop and convey a cohesive brand story. And they know what shouldn’t be said to avoid reputation crises better than anyone.

When you have strong story branding, you can more effectively reach your target audience, build loyalty, and stand out from the competition. Thus your PR gets better and differentiates you from the crowd. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run. 🏃🏼‍♂️

Use these 8 elements to craft a compelling brand story

1️⃣ Founding Story

Tell people how the brand was created. Cover its origins, including the vision and motivation of its founders. This can add a human touch and authenticity to the brand.

2️⃣ Values and Mission

Explain what drives the brand, its core values and beliefs. This helps consumers align themselves with the brand's ethos.

3️⃣ Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What sets the brand apart from its competitors? Point out all of these aspects. These could be features, high quality, or even a variety of shapes and colors.

4️⃣ Brand Personality

This is the collection of characteristics and traits that define the brand's overall image. Make them fun, innovative and easy to relate to.

5️⃣ Customer Success Stories

Show some real-life examples of delighted customers. This adds credibility and builds trust.

6️⃣ Visual Identity

Use visual elements associated with the brand. This means logos, colors, and design that contribute to the overall brand story.

7️⃣ Cultural Impact

Address how the brand contributes to larger cultural trends and to society at large.

8️⃣ Future Vision

What is your brand up to? Tell your audience about your aspirations and goals for the future.

The Don'ts of brand storytelling

Being too self-promotional. Avoid sales talk.
Being generic or unoriginal. The audience wants something new and fresh.
Not being authentic. People don't like fake.
Not being consistent with your brand messaging. Your brand story should align with other messages you send.

To get more details about building stories, you can look here The Elements of Storytelling.

15 brand story examples of big PR concepts to inspire you

Learn how to write a brand story from the best. Below you can find well-known and even better-written narrative examples.

#1 Apple

A tech giant known in every corner of the world. Started “in the basement” by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

This story is about innovation and thinking big about the future from day one. Plus - Apple’s logo and claim show they truly are rebels in the industry.

#2 Coca-cola

Isn't the Coca-Cola Christmas advertising already legendary?

This is a brand story example that shows how consistency in messaging can create a great storyline for years.

As you can see - they don’t even talk about the drink itself. Coca-Cola has been quenching thirsts and bringing people together for over 130 years. They focus on the friendly picture it creates as an essential part of social gatherings. 

#3 Disney

Quite simply, the narrative of Walt Disney and his aspiration to build an enchanting realm of entertainment and imagination.

If you are searching for an answer to "What is a storyline that touches the human soul?" here it is.

#4 Nike

Founded as "Blue Ribbon Sports," Nike's journey mirrors the relentless pursuit of athletic greatness, encapsulated in its inspiring motto "Just Do It."


With roots in a Danish workshop, LEGO's narrative is a testament to creativity, imagination, and the power of endless possibilities. They stress that they are inspired by children, but aren’t only a company for kids.

#6 Harley-Davidson

This iconic American motorcycle manufacturer has become synonymous with a rebellious spirit and the thrill of the open road.

Their brand story is about perseverance, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Riding a Harley-Davidson isn't just about transportation, it's a way of life.

P.S. If you're into storytelling based on specific characteristics, Harley-Davidson is also an Outlaw brand archetype.

#7 Patagonia

This brand is an icon of sustainable practices in the outdoor industry and exemplifies the harmonious coexistence of commercial success and environmental stewardship.

Their brand story is about a deep love and respect for nature and a commitment to using business as a force for good. Wearing Patagonia isn't just about fashion, it's a statement of values.

#8 Amazon

Jeff Bezos's company's story is about evolution. From a humble startup to a revolutionary e-commerce giant. Their brand story is about constant innovation, customer obsession and global expansion.

#9 Ben & Jerry's

This ice cream company has made a name for itself by combining its passion for social justice and environmental stewardship with its dedication to crafting unforgettable flavors.

The brand story features grassroots activism, fair trade sourcing, and community involvement.

#10 IKEA

IKEA's story is one of defying expectations, transforming furniture from a luxury item into an affordable necessity. The brand has become synonymous with modern, functional design and has a strong focus on sustainability and social responsibility.

#11 Microsoft

Microsoft's success story is a captivating tale of innovation, ambition, and the realization of a groundbreaking vision. The brand story of Microsoft is all about how a small startup evolved to become one of the most influential and successful companies in the world. With a strong focus on technology, Microsoft has revolutionized the way we work, communicate, and live our daily lives.

#12 Porsche

This brand's identity was forged in the fires of motorsport, the precision of engineering, and the aspiration of automotive refinement. Thanks not only to the product, but mostly the narrative, Porsche’s name has become synonymous with high-performance, luxury cars.

#13 Airbnb

From roommates sharing space to global connections, Airbnb empowers travelers with unique experiences. Their brand story centers around creating a sense of belonging, connection and community through travel.

#14 Under Armour

Under Armour's story started in its founder’s, Kevin Plank's, grandmother's basement. Over the years the brand rose to become a global sports apparel giant, proving dreams can start anywhere. Brand stories created by Under Armour highlight the importance of determination, hard work and perseverance to achieve success.

#15 Tesla

Tesla's mission, fueled by Elon Musk's ambition, is to catapult the world towards sustainable energy. With electric vehicles and renewable solutions leading the charge, we are slowly getting there. Tesla’s brand story is all about challenging the status quo and paving the way for a better, more sustainable future.

To explore this topic you can also check out the 8 Most Impactful PR & Marketing Campaigns During the Pandemic.

Where to publish your brand stories

98% of journalists think it’s somewhat important (15%), important (33%), or very important (49%) for a company or organization to have an online newsroom available to the press.

An online newsroom is a centralized and easily accessible repository of information for journalists, media professionals, and the public.

With tools like Prowly, you can create and customize your own online newsroom easily, without the need to code. Just add your visuals, add the company's data, optimize the content, and let the world enjoy your story!


Publishing brand stories in an online newsroom offers a long list of advantages, so to name just a few:

  • Controlled Messaging. When you release your brand stories in an online newsroom, you retain complete control over the messaging.
  • Timely Updates. Publishing in a newsroom is quick and easy, so you can deliver tiny updates to your audience from time to time.
  • SEO Benefits. Releasing your story in an online newsroom can improve your search engine optimization efforts.
  • Credibility and Transparency. Such publications can help to establish your brand as a credible and transparent organization.
  • Multimedia Integration. In such publications, you can incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics, making your brand stories even more catchy.

You can add all the key information so that journalists can download all the assets in seconds. Sharing your compelling brand story is easier than ever.

Here are more tips and tricks on how to create an online newsroom.

3 ready-to-use brand story templates

Looking for a brand story template? We've got you! Below you can find three and adapt them to your needs however you want.

Template 1: The Origin Story

▪️ Introduction:
Introduce the founders and the initial inspiration behind the brand.

▪️ Founding Vision:
Share the vision that led to the creation of the brand. What problem were the founders trying to solve?

▪️ Early Challenges:
Describe the challenges and obstacles faced during the early stages. This adds authenticity to the story.

▪️ Defining Moments:
Highlight key moments that shaped the brand's identity and values.

▪️ Values and Mission:
Clearly articulate the core values and mission that drive the brand.

▪️ Customer Connection:
Share anecdotes or testimonials that illustrate how the brand has positively impacted customers.

▪️ Evolution and Growth:
Discuss how the brand has evolved over time and talk about its growth milestones.

▪️ Future Vision:
Conclude with the brand's vision for the future and the impact it aspires to make.

Template 2: The Transformation Story

▪️ Introduction:
Set the stage by introducing the brand's current identity and positioning.

▪️ Origins and Pivot:
Briefly touch on the brand's origins and any significant pivots that led to its current form.

▪️ Defining Features:
Highlight the unique features, products, or services that define the brand.

▪️ Customer Journeys:
Showcase real customer stories or experiences that reflect the brand's value.

▪️ Innovation and Adaptation:
Discuss how the brand embraces innovation and adapts to changing market dynamics.

▪️ Community and Impact:
Illustrate the brand's role within its community and the positive impact it has had.

▪️ Collaborations and Partnerships:
Mention any notable collaborations or partnerships that have contributed to the brand's success.

▪️ Future Direction:
Conclude with a glimpse into the brand's future direction and goals.

Template 3: The Values-Driven Story

▪️ Introduction:
Introduce the brand by highlighting its core values and principles.

▪️ Social Responsibility:
Showcase the brand's commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

▪️ Ethical Practices:
Discuss any ethical practices or sustainable initiatives that set the brand apart.

▪️ Customer Empowerment:
Share how the brand empowers its customers and contributes to their well-being.

▪️ Transparency:
Emphasize transparency in the brand's operations, fostering trust with customers.

▪️ Impactful Campaigns:
Highlight any impactful campaigns or initiatives that align with the brand's values.

▪️ Employee Stories:
Share stories about employees who embody the brand's values.

▪️ Continuous Improvement:
Discuss the brand's commitment to continuous improvement and positive change.

▪️ Future Commitments:
Conclude by outlining the brand's future commitments to its values and to make a societal impact.

Make your own story

What is a brand story? You already know it. You have also learned how to create one and have read some good examples. 

As a next step, make your own story. Let the people see your company’s soul. Share it with the world via the Prowly Online Newsroom and get  your story heard. 
