Berenika Teter

PR outreach
 ∙ 13 min read

How to Do PR Outreach (w/ Expert Tips, Tools & Examples)

Berenika Teter ∙ 13 May 2024
Effective PR is all about relationships. Apart from maintaining the existing connections, however, sometimes you have to reach out and make new ones to grow your network. Here’s when PR outreach (also referred to as media outreach) comes in.  Below, PR experts shed some light on the meaning of PR outreach, along with best practices […]
PR strategy template
 ∙ 13 min read

PR Planning: How to Create a PR Strategy (w/ Template)

Berenika Teter ∙ 13 May 2024
Public relations is all about influencing attitudes and behaviors. To be able to do this effectively, though, companies need a solid digital PR strategy, designed to work towards pre-defined goals and objectives.  Luckily, there are several common steps to all PR plans listed by PR experts. By following them, you can create a PR strategy […]
how to get media coverage
 ∙ 19 min read

How to Get Media Coverage for Your Business in 2023 (w/ Expert Tips)

Berenika Teter ∙ 13 May 2024
There’s no doubt that getting media coverage is a great way to build brand awareness, increase credibility, and even boost sales. But, to actually get your business on the news, you need to grab media attention first.  Given that the majority of top-tier publishers find between 50 and 500 pitches per week in their inboxes, […]
music PR
 ∙ 13 min read

Music PR: How to Get Publicity for Your Music

Berenika Teter ∙ 9 May 2024
With artists having far more control and freedom when sharing their work with the public, many decide to do music PR on their own (or not do it at all).  Sounds familiar?  Even with huge talent and an amazing story, your music might never get the attention it deserves without relevant media contacts and a […]
Learn From the Best: Online Newsroom Examples
 ∙ 6 min read

9 Outstanding Online Newsroom Examples to Get You Inspired 🤩

Berenika Teter ∙ 6 May 2024
Brands use now a ton of relevant channels to communicate with their audience and a hyper-interactive environment in which we operate. All these channels are where the brand story is created for the market, the media, and the consumer. The role of a brand newsroom is to bring all these channels together, creating a heartbeat for brand communication.
How to do beauty PR
 ∙ 17 min read

Public Relations for Beauty Products: How To Do Beauty PR Right?

Berenika Teter ∙ 26 Apr 2024
Back in the day, the only way for beauty and makeup brands to get noticed was to secure a spot inside a glossy magazine, along with celebrity endorsement. A lot has changed since then, but one thing is certain: PR in the beauty industry is still essential.  If you own or represent a beauty brand, […]
How to get the most of Prowly
 ∙ 14 min read

How to Manage Media Relations with Prowly: A Step-by-Step Guide

Berenika Teter ∙ 16 Apr 2024
Media relations management ain't easy. But, it ultimately comes down to knowing who to contact, proving to them that you can be a valuable resource, and keeping the communication channel open. You don’t need to know the most people, just the right people. And that's when media relations tools come in useful. Missed the live […]
company media kit
 ∙ 12 min read

What is a Press Kit? Best Press Kit Examples for 2024

Berenika Teter ∙ 14 Feb 2024
When it comes to getting coverage, PR specialists should take no chances. Since most stories require a bit of advanced research: the easiest you make for the reporters to find accurate information about the business you represent, the better for your PR efforts.  How to increase the likelihood of journalists writing well-informed articles about your […]
How to Build an Online Newsroom
 ∙ 8 min read

How to Create an Online Newsroom - Best Practices

Berenika Teter ∙ 14 Feb 2024
Traditional PR is dying - we have heard this in the media for several years. The fact is it will be a long time before press releases disappear. A press release is still the best way to inform journalists, bloggers and opinion leaders...
Best press release examples
 ∙ 14 min read

29 Press Release Examples by Type (Plus Free Templates)

Berenika Teter ∙ 5 Feb 2024
Searching for the best press release examples? You came to the right place. We've collected 29 diverse press release examples, each unique to various announcements, such as product launch, new book release, or a new hire announcement. This range will give you a vast array of inspiration to draw from. But that's not all - we also offer […]
Cover photo: How to buy media lists - Prowly Magazine
 ∙ 8 min read

When, Where & How to Buy Media Lists for PR?

Berenika Teter ∙ 16 Nov 2023
Having well-organized media lists with quality contacts is the first step in developing relationships with the press and, ultimately, getting coverage. But how can you start building these relationships if you don’t have any relevant media contacts yet?  Buying media lists for your PR efforts might suddenly seem like a good option. The truth is: […]
Cover photo: Manage press contacts with a PR CRM - Prowly Magazine
 ∙ 11 min read

Why Should You Manage Your Press Contacts With a PR CRM?

Berenika Teter ∙ 20 Dec 2021
Over the years, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has seen wide adoption across sales, customer support, and marketing departments. For some reason, CRM tools for PR have only just started gaining traction.   Like most PR practitioners, you might be struggling with keeping your contacts well-organized and up-to-date, especially if you share them with other team […]