PR Measurement & Analytics

How to create a media report
 ∙ 14 min read

How to Create a Comprehensive Media Report?

Kamila Hanson ∙ 11 Apr 2024
If you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of time and effort it takes to create media reports, you're not alone. Many PR professionals find themselves drowning in data, struggling to pull together information from a myriad of sources. What is a media monitoring report? Media monitoring report is a document that analyzes coverage received from […]
What Is Brand Equity and How Do You Measure It Brand Equity in PR Prowly
 ∙ 12 min read

How to Measure Brand Equity: Step-by-Step Guide

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 22 Mar 2024
No matter what industry you're in, one thing is certain in 2024: budgets are getting tighter and you need to do more with less. While it may sound counter-intuitive, investing in your brand is the smartest thing to do at the moment. But to find out if your efforts are paying off, you need to […]
How to increase email open rates (even if you’ve already sent it out) hero 1
 ∙ 9 min read

How to Increase Email Open Rates (Even if You’ve Already Sent It Out)

Kamila Hanson ∙ 6 Feb 2024
Turning data-driven insights into action is a proven strategy for fostering long-term relationships. We’ll focus on email analytics and show you how to transform raw data into actionable insights and leverage those insights into action.  This article is an essential guide to improving open rates when you’ve already sent emails. Packed with practical tips from […]
A 2D illustration on the yellow background showing a globe and social media icons
 ∙ 12 min read

Benefits of Social Listening for PR Agencies (with Case Studies)

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 1 Feb 2024
Social listening is one of the easiest ways to track how a brand is perceived online. Besides in-house PR and marketing teams, there is another group that can benefit from social listening tools - public relations agencies. If you're a PR agency struggling to get a seat at the table and prove the effectiveness of […]
A 2D illustration on the brown/orange background with a few pages from articles pinned to the background with pins that resemble old fashioned press clippings
 ∙ 12 min read

Press Clippings Decoded: A Practical Guide to Mastering PR Exposure

Kamila Hanson ∙ 12 Dec 2023
Remember the good ol' days of cutting out pieces of articles from newspapers and magazines? Since technology has progressed though, it's nearly certain you've been using a dedicated tool to collect mentions and don't need a scissor and glue combo nearby. Collecting PR clippings is important if you want to stay up to date with […]
How to Measure PR Success
 ∙ 13 min read

How to Measure PR Success: a Step-by-Step Guide

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 11 Dec 2023
If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. In the world of PR, it can be easy to completely forget why you're doing public relations in the first place. Measuring PR campaigns helps you work out your progress and define what you could be doing more (or less of) to succeed. As an agency […]
a 2d illustration of purple chess figures on the coral pink background symbolizing a powerful social media strategy. Small, social media icons in the back in random places and hearts symbolizing liking the content
 ∙ 13 min read

How to Create a Powerful Social Listening Strategy for PR? (with Tips and Examples)

Dominika Kuras ∙ 11 Dec 2023
If you pay attention to the world around you, you will be able to create strong bonds. At work, and especially in PR, it should be as natural as breathing to make you stand out from the crowd, or even prevent accidents. So, how to translate this skill into social media, which is a vibrant […]
What are Brand Mentions and How Track and Analyze Them
 ∙ 10 min read

What Are Brand Mentions and How to Track & Analyze Them

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 24 Nov 2023
Your brand doesn't exist in a vacuum. Every media mention of your brand online, known as a 'brand mention,' plays a crucial role in shaping your reputation and visibility. By understanding and tracking brand mentions and PR results, you can clearly see the difference between a thriving brand and one that’s struggling to capture attention. […]
What's earned media?
 ∙ 13 min read

What Is Earned Media? Definition, Benefits, Campaign Examples

Zuzanna Dora ∙ 14 Nov 2023
Earned media, a powerful and influential aspect of public relations, is often misunderstood despite its profound impact on brand reputation and reach. It's the kind of publicity you don't pay for directly, but it's invaluable in building credibility and boosting your brand's visibility. In this article, we delve into earned media meaning, the concept of […]
an illustration of a huge ear and speaking bubbles, charts around it
 ∙ 10 min read

What's the Difference Between Social Listening and Social Monitoring in PR?

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 13 Nov 2023
Imagine this situation: Friday afternoon is coming up and you get an email from your CMO, asking why the internet is blowing up about your latest campaign, and not in a good way. You're about to head out of the office, but you check your social platforms and you see that all hell has broken […]
an illustration on the light purple background; a flat lay of hands holding magnifying glasses, pointing on the charts and a heart, and a chart in the middle showing smiling and sad faces that symbolise sentiment analysis
 ∙ 12 min read

How to Use Sentiment Analysis in PR? The 2024 Guide

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 13 Nov 2023
Keeping track of who is mentioning you has become one of the most basic activities in PR. But what about what they are saying? If you have hundreds of mentions coming in daily, determining if they're good or not could be a full-time job. Not anymore - thanks to sentiment analysis in PR. With a […]
a flat lay 2D illustration on a yellow background with hands holding paper and some random charts, smiling and sad faces and speech bubbles that all shows brand sentiment
 ∙ 11 min read

How to Measure Brand Sentiment in PR - The 2024 Guide

Mile Zivkovic ∙ 9 Nov 2023
If you don't ask, you don't receive. And if you run a business, you don't have to ask for feedback all the time - you can just collect it on your own. Instead of waiting for (potential) customers to tell you how they feel about your brand, you can be proactive and measure brand sentiment. […]
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