Pratik Dholakiya

PR tips for startups
 ∙ 9 min read

6 Powerful PR Tips for Startups to Get Noticed

Pratik Dholakiya ∙ 22 May 2024
In essence, PR for startups is how you cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with the public and generate positive brand awareness as your startup grows into a full-fledged enterprise. While bigger organizations can afford to work with professional PR firms to expertly manage all PR-related affairs, your humble startup likely doesn’t have the budget to do […]
Customer behavior trends
 ∙ 7 min read

5 Upcoming Customer Behavior Trends for PR Professionals

Pratik Dholakiya ∙ 15 Dec 2023
As the novel coronavirus continues to spread, a few customer behavior trends have grown out of the pandemic, changing everything for enterprises and their customers. What does this mean for PR professionals like yourself?  For one, companies need a robust communication strategy that acknowledges these changing trends. This will help them earn the trust and […]
How to respond to negative reviews
 ∙ 8 min read

How to Make the Best of Negative Reviews Online

Pratik Dholakiya ∙ 24 Nov 2023
Online reviews are one of the most significant forms of social proof. When consumers are faced with confusion about which brands to pick, reviews can change their perspectives.  Studies show that 93% of consumers consider online reviews for buying a product. Hence, online reviews are definitely a big deal. This is why most businesses always […]
3 Tips for Creative Marketing That Beats Fake News
 ∙ 6 min read

3 Tips for Creative Marketing That Beats Fake News

Pratik Dholakiya ∙ 29 Jun 2021
As painful as it is to admit, all the fake news on the internet seem to be the most successful at going viral. Without getting too political, there are number of lessons marketers can use for their own campaigns.