Beau Peters

Beau Peters is professional with a lifetime of experience in service and care. As a manager, he has learned a slew of tricks in the business world and enjoys sharing them with others who carry the same passion and dedication that he brings to his work. When he is not writing, he enjoys reading and trying new things.
PR and content marketing
 ∙ 6 min read

Why PR Teams Should Take Their Cue from Content Marketing Experts

Beau Peters ∙ 26 Apr 2024
PR is typically associated with press releases, splashy stunts, big announcements, and reputation management. Content marketing, on the other hand, is often seen as a mundane activity that churns out information in an attempt to utilize links, keywords, and SEO to generate search engine traffic. You might think otherwise, but these two are closely linked […]
 ∙ 6 min read

Crisis Communications in an Era of Media Distrust

Beau Peters ∙ 18 Dec 2023
In a lot of ways, ours truly is a golden age of communication. Perhaps never before have public relations been so dynamic or so interconnected. Nowadays, it’s not just the PR pros who are talking.  The customer is talking, too, and not just with their wallets, anymore. They’re talking with their tweets and texts, their […]