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How Lift Improved Communications for Their Clients with Prowly


Lift Consulting, based in Portugal, manages the communication strategies of major brands across a number of verticals. Their expertise helps to enhance the effects of the PR and marketing campaigns of their clients and involves working with some of the most well-known and successful media platforms in the world. With just over fifty team members, Lift Consulting has an enviable track record, earning it the distinction of the most awarded communications consultancy in Portugal. In short, Lift understands what it takes to deliver client value at the very highest levels of extremely competitive industries.


Lift are experts in PR, not IT

Streamlining the process of creating and managing communication across multiple clients while allowing for future growth became an issue at Lift. They considered building their own in-house solution to expand their PR capabilities but quickly realized that the necessary skill sets were outside their core competencies. Pivoting from PR to IT was not the optimal use of their time and resources. Deciding it was better to focus on their core mission and look for the right partner to deliver what they needed, Lift began to consider their options for a full suite of PR tools.

Prowly is a critical tool for us and our communication activities

Diogo Ferreira da Costa

Partnering with Prowly meant ready-made solutions for a number of business challenges

Lift Consulting turned to Prowly to take advantage of its easy press release creation and distribution capabilities, deep CRM for tracking communication with various contacts, and the extensive Media Database, where users can reach out to new audiences.

With Prowly, Lift is fully compliant with recently-introduced obligations under GDPR regarding the processing of personal data. They also save time by being able to create effective press releases more quickly while taking advantage of analytical insights provided by Prowly’s CRM.


Going forward, Lift is now well-positioned to maintain their extensive PR activities at the high standard they are known for. Generating PR materials is easier than ever before and the analytical insights delivered by Prowly enable Lift to apply efficiency-boosting metrics that were previously unavailable.

Quick questions

What made you decide to choose Prowly?

We needed a platform that was GDPR-compliant, could help us keep an updated database in one place and help us distribute press releases. Also, it was important to improve SEO visibility with an online newsroom.

How would you describe Prowly in three words?

Simple, aggregator, database.

What problem did you have before Prowly and how has Prowly helped?

GDPR compliance and updated database are two very time-consuming issues that Prowly now takes care of for us automatically. Also, it’s now much easier to incorporate videos on press releases, making them more engaging and effective.

What would your job be like if you didn’t have Prowly?

We would have to deal with complex issues related to GDPR compliance and the time-consuming task of keeping our databases updated. We would also be without valuable metrics that we can now use to better measure our performance and reach.

In addition to results, what other benefits have you experienced from Prowly?

Our database is now updated for everyone in the company, it’s easier to write stories, we love the great Newsroom, the SaaS architecture is convenient and having all metrics in one place is a big plus.

What has your experience been like working with Prowly’s Customer Success team?

The team is always very helpful and nice and gives us all the support we need.

How has PR changed in the past several years? How has Prowly helped you keep up?

PR has acquired many other well-structured dimensions in the "PESO" framework. Digital has become much more relevant in all PR activity but above all, organizations have become much more concerned and focused on being agile and competitive. That's why Prowly is a critical tool for us and our communication activities.

What would you tell other companies considering using Prowly?

Do it! They will do everything they can to listen and help you set up a platform that suits your needs.

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