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All the media monitoring insights, right at your fingertips

Make data-driven decisions and build stronger relationships by staying on top of the media landscape.

Free 7-day trialNo credit card required



Quote Author

"Media monitoring has completely transformed the way we understand and engage with our audience. It's like having a crystal ball that not only shows us what's being said about our brand in real-time but also gives us the insights we need to anticipate trends, manage crises more effectively, and make data-driven decisions. It's an invaluable tool for staying ahead in today's fast-paced media landscape."




Quote Author

"It's a game-changer for us, offering real-time insights that help us stay ahead of the curve and engage with our audience more effectively. It's an indispensable tool for any modern business."

It's no secret that catching all media insights helps professionals like you show the tangible results of what you've been working on. By having a media monitoring tool that's on your side, you'll never miss a single mention.

What you can do with Prowly's Media Monitoring:

  • Find out where your audience hangs out to see which channels you’ve already optimized, and which ones you should put more time into
  • Dig deep into the landscape to uncover all the industry trends and take action, wherever needed
  • Forget about missed mentions and unseized opportunities by getting comprehensive digests right in your inbox
  • Assess mention reach with dozens of industry-relevant metrics
  • Get a competitive edge over your competitors by comparing your own strategy to theirs and tracking every single one of their moves
  • Be the first to show your client the media you’ve secured and how it translates into the company’s PR success

Conquer the media landscape by tracking what people say and how they feel

Social Media Listening

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Print Monitoring

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Broadcast Monitoring (?)

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Defend strategic decisions with data, without any hesitations

You've compiled all the mentions that interest you - now what? Prowly will help you draft more effective strategies and accomplish better outcomes with industry-relevant data gathered in easy-to-read dashboards.

From analyzing your brand and specific campaigns, to tracking a niche or industry as a whole, you'll be able to instantly evaluate performance results, spot emerging trends, and get a chance to join the conversation to shape the conversation in a way that aligns with your goals and objectives.

Prowly continuously strives to deliver the highest quality of mentions, metrics and data analytics features by conducting daily interviews with real PR professionals, just like you.

Get a hold of every single mention before anyone else does

Conversations never stop. Even when you're sleeping, someone, somewhere is talking. Missed mentions, whether it's a crisis or an opportunity, can bring you one step back in an instant.

This is where Prowly comes into play – in addition to recurring mention summaries that land in your inbox, you'll receive instant alerts about press hits you're interested in. That way, you'll always be able to respond to a crisis, potential opportunity, or hop on a trend that can exponentially increase the reach of your actions.

Start your free, 7-day trial