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Zeynep Tufekci

Zeynep Tufekci

Contributing Writer at The Atlantic

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Zeynep Tufekci

Three Ways the Pandemic Has Made the World Better - The Atlantic

COVID-19 has inflicted devastating losses. It has also delivered certain blessings.

5 Pandemic Mistakes We Keep Repeating

We can learn from our failures.

It’s All Rigged

What Robinhood and Facebook have in common

The Mutated Virus Is a Ticking Time Bomb - The Atlantic

There is much we don’t know about the new COVID-19 variant—but everything we know so far suggests a huge danger.

Is Trump Trying to Stage a Coup? - The Atlantic

Acting as if Trump is trying to stage a coup is the best way to ensure he won’t.

Lock Yourself Down, Now - The Atlantic

A devastating surge is here. Unless Americans act aggressively, it will get much larger, very quickly.

Trump Proved That Authoritarians Can Get Elected in America - The A...

Trump was ineffective and easily beaten. A future strongman won’t be.

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K: The Overlooked Variable That's Driving the Pandemic - The Atlantic

It’s not R.

Why Aren't We Talking More About Ventilation? - The Atlantic

How is it that six months into a respiratory pandemic, we are still doing so little to mitigate airborne transmission?

Wikileaks Exposes Internet’s Dissent Tax, not Nerd Supremacy

A sociologist of technology takes on Jaron Lanier’s recent Atlantic essay

Why Protests Work - The Atlantic

It sometimes takes decades to find out.

Trump's Executive Order Isn't About Twitter - The Atlantic

The new executive order targeting social-media companies isn’t really about Twitter.

Closing the Parks Is Ineffective Pandemic Theater - The Atlantic

Public green spaces are good for the immune system and the mind—and they can be rationed to allow for social distancing.

What Really Doomed America's Coronavirus Response - The Atlantic

America’s coronavirus response failed because we didn’t understand the complexity of the problem.

Hong Kong Protests: Inside the Chaos - The Atlantic

“We might as well go down fighting.”

Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships - The At...

It’s just one factor in modern life that can increase connection in a world divided by the vagaries of capitalism, the disengagement of television, and the isolation of suburban sprawl.