Barbie’s Malibu Dreamhouse is available on Airbnb next month. Ken will host two lucky visitors inside the Malibu mansion ahead of the Barbie movie release.
The #TokyoOlympics are underway for the athletes. The #EverydayOlympics are
underway for YOU! Here’s how readers and viewers are getting into the Olympic
After a shark sighting in Orange County prompted a stretch of beach to close
Wednesday evening, lifeguards made the decision to reopen the beach Thursday
Looking to adopt a furry friend? Burbank Animal Shelter has teamed up with North
Shore Animal League America for the world’s largest collaborative mobile pet
adoption event.
Parking in Los Angeles is awful and now the world knows it thanks to one Twitter
user who documented, in real-time, the pettiest parking showdown we’ve ever
Condolences poured in Thursday morning as Southern Californians awoke to the
news that 12 people were killed, including a sheriff’s sergeant, when a gunman
opened fire in a Thousand Oaks bar late Wednesday night.
The parents of a 14-year-old boy who was shot and killed by a Los Angeles Police
Department officer held a news conference Tuesday where they released body cam
footage of the deadly encounter.