The fallout from Lidia Thorpe’s message to the king has made global headlines. But what do Indigenous Australians make of the interaction? From 'Not really accurate' to 'very ballsy' First Nations people weight in.
There's been much talk about whether the Labor Government will create a national Makarrata Commission, a truth telling body to investigate and acknowledge Australia's dark colonial history.
The Human Rights Commission has announced a new social justice commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Here’s what the role will involve.
From the Yirrkala Bark Petition to the Barunga Statement, Yolngu art has been a powerful political tool. Miwatj Yolngu, an art exhibition on the south coast of New South Wales, hopes to continue this legacy.
Ever wondered why your cat scratches the floor after they eat? Or why they knead their bed before going to sleep? We asked an animal behaviourist to explain five common cat habits.