Sunshine Coast resident Dr. Christine Giancarlo, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Mount Royal University, is being recognized for her outstanding contribution to shared parenting research.
Liberal MP Patrick Weiler answered some of the most frequently asked questions about the Canadian Dental Care Plan during an information session at the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre, July 11.
Sunshine Coast resident Dr. Christine Giancarlo, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Mount Royal University, is being recognized for her outstanding contribution to shared parenting research.
The unveiling of the Reconciliation Pole at Our House of Clans July 6, included a large crowd, local and visiting dignitaries, and drumming and dancing by members of shíshálh Nation.
Photographer Ken McCann was in Porpoise Bay Provincial Park in Sechelt Inlet, Saturday, June 29 when this pod of between four and five orcas made an appearance beyond Poise Island.