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Pavan Belagatti

Pavan Belagatti

Contributing Writer at DZone

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Pavan Belagatti

What Is Istio and Why Does Kubernetes Need it? - The New Stack

Istio is currently the most popular service mesh implementation, relying on Kubernetes but also scalable to virtual machine loads.

Service Meshes in the Cloud Native World - The New Stack

When developers began developing distributed systems using a multi-language (polyglot) approach, they needed dynamic service discovery. Operations were required to handle the inevitable communication failures smoothly and enforce network policies. Platform teams started adopting container orchestrat…

DevOps at Scale through Efficient Software Distribution | Hacker Noon

The article describes the software distribution in brief, what it is, use cases, and challenges involved in achieving DevOps at scale.

Docker And JFrog Partnership: Path To Limitless DevOps in the Cloud...

This article talks about the recent partnership between Docker and JFrog and how this partnership impacts developers and enterprises positively

Observe VM Service Meshes with Apache SkyWalking and the Envoy Acce...

Tetrate sponsored this post. Want to observe a service mesh that extends to virtual machines? A new analyzer in Apache SkyWalking — the application monitoring (APM) system designed especially for microservices, cloud native and container-based architectures — leverages Envoy’s metadata exchange mech…

Best of 2020: How Docker and Kubernetes Work Together

It is important to understand how tools enable digital transformation. This article reviews how docker and kubernetes work together.

Kubernetes Best Practices in Production

No doubt, DevOps has come a long way. Platforms such as Docker and Kubernetes have helped companies ship their software faster than ever. With the

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Cloud and DevOps: CI/CD and Market Analysis -

The article outlines the different aspects of the Cloud and DevOps market, along with the current state of DevOps cloud solutions.

Five Attributes of a Great DevOps Platform -

As we move towards 2020, the customer expectations are high & the same goes with software industry. Let us see five key criteria for a great DevOps platform

DevOps at Scale: Winning Strategy for Modern Enterprises -

DevOps is a word that has generated massive interest over the last few years among the software-powered organizations and developers, yet many people

Cloud-Native DevOps - JAXenter

Cloud-Native architecture implies adapting to the many new possibilities empowering innovation that paves the way for digital transformation.

Service Mesh Archives - The New Stack

A fairly recent technology, the service mesh came about as pressures mounted in the industry from the increasing use of Kubernetes and microservices in general. Applications were broken down into smaller containerized services, which all had to communicate with one another, and the outside world, bo…

How big companies are using Kubernetes - JAXenter

Kubernetes’ increased adoption is showcased by a number of influential companies which have integrated the technology into their services.

5 Amazing Impacts Solo Travel Can Have On Your Personal Growth

One of my favorite quotes by Henry David Thoreau is - “The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” And I’m sure everyone reading this would agree with me!

How to be a growth hacker

Growth hacking is here to stay and growth hackers are in major demand in today’s heavily competitive market.

5 Proven Growth Hacks to Leverage Customer Feedback

Here’s a list of 5 proven growth hacking strategies with examples on how to use customer feedback to grow your business.

DevOps playbook: A practical guide for implementing DevOps - JAXenter

If you want to “do” DevOps the right way, you need guidance. Hence the playbook, which gives you all the information you need to understand and adopt DevOps.

DevOps trends and predictions for 2017 [Infographic] - JAXenter

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” but can we trap the essence of DevOps in an infographic? Sure we can.

How green is your DevOps? - JAXenter

In this post, Pavan Belagatii explains the meaning of green DevOps.

Microservices: Mono repo vs. multiple repositories - JAXenter

Moving to microservices? Do you create a repository for each service or do you create a single mono repo for all services?

The need for Continuous Deployment - JAXenter

Today, most organizations find it challenging to innovate quickly enough to satisfy all of their consumers’ expectations. Continuous Deployment to the rescue!