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Michael Kimmelman

Michael Kimmelman

Architecture Critic at The New York Times

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Michael Kimmelman

When Latin America Became the Seat of Modernity - The New York Times

A new MoMA exhibition looks at design from six countries, spanning 1940 to 1980. Some beautiful chairs tell the tale.

For Richard Serra, Art Was Not Something. It Was Everything. - The ...

He was known as the Man of Steel. But the sculptor was also an eternal poet, reshaping our perception of space, says our critic.

New York Reimagined Subsidized Housing. What Happened? - The New Yo...

Via Verde aspired to serve as a model of beautiful, sustainable subsidized housing. A decade later, our critic finds that a building can change minds, but maybe not systems.

A Climate Change Success Story? Look at Hoboken - The New York Times

This flood-prone city on the Hudson River balances climate infrastructure with resident needs.

What We Learned From Bogotá's Buses - The New York Times

Transformative projects don’t conform to election cycles. They’re not the work of any single person.

How Bogotá Tried to Lead the Way for Better Bus Systems - The New Y...

Bogotá led the world with innovation in inexpensive mass transit. Its experience shows what it takes to keep progress going.

Video: A Spectacular Marble Cube Rises at Ground Zero - The New Yor...

The Perelman Performing Arts Center, a glamorous $500 million project, may yet turn the World Trade Center into a neighborhood. The New York Times architecture critic, Michael Kimmelman, discusses Lower Manhattan’s new beacon.

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Downtowns Are Full of Empty Buildings. Universities Are Moving In. ...

The stylish new Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center took over a former museum in Washington. It’s got potential to become a community hub.

A Climate Change Success Story? Look at Hoboken. - The New York Times

This flood-prone city on the Hudson River has bundled water-absorbing infrastructure into benefits residents asked for, like parks and safer streets.

Views of the Empire State Building Are Being Blocked - The New York...

Views of the Empire State Building are being obscured by a new 860-foot luxury tower rising just blocks away. Should New York regulate its skyline?

An Ice Factory From the 1900s Is Now a Spectacular New Bronx School...

Designed by David Adjaye, a $50 million Dream Charter School rises from a ruined plant on the Harlem River. But the construction process was tragic.

Earthquake Shows Turkey’s Cities Didn’t Get The Care They Need - Th...

Cities are a form of life and they need constant care to stay strong. They didn’t get that care in Turkey.

Remaking the River That Remade L.A. - The New York Times

Over the past century it has been channeled, subdued, blighted. Is it time for the Los Angeles River to serve the city in a new way?

A Notoriously Jinxed Concert Hall Is Reborn, Again

David Geffen Hall, the New York Philharmonic’s Lincoln Center home, is reopening after a $550 million renovation aimed at breaking its acoustic curse — and adding a dash of glamour.

New Courts, Old Spirit: The National Tennis Center Turns 40 (Publis...

Take a unique tour of the renovated U.S.T.A. Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. Michael Kimmelman, The Times’s architecture critic, says that despite being a corporate playground, it maintains the spirit of the 1964 World’s Fair, on whose bones the tennis center rests.

The Strange New Life of Vaccine Sites (Published 2021) - The New Yo...

How a crisis can help us rethink space and reimagine the future.

How Can Blackness Construct America? (Published 2021)

A new collective of Black architects and artists, formed out of a show now at MoMA, aims to “reclaim the larger civic promise of architecture.”

Jackson Heights, Queens: Walk Where the World Finds a Home (Publish...

Stroll through the city’s most global neighborhood with the author Suketu Mehta, featuring Diversity Plaza, Roosevelt Avenue and the birth of Scrabble.

When the Bronx Was a Forest: Stroll Through the Centuries (Publishe...

Yankee Stadium was the site of a salt marsh. Concourse Plaza was a valley. Our critic walks with Eric W. Sanderson, a conservation ecologist.

The Dutch Have Solutions to Rising Seas. The World Is Watching. (Pu...

In the waterlogged Netherlands, climate change is considered neither a hypothetical nor a drag on the economy. Instead, it’s an opportunity.

Can City Life Survive Coronavirus? - The New York Times

Cities are epicenters of capital and creativity, designed to be occupied collectively. Pandemics are anti-urban, preying on our human desire for connection.