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Michael B. Horn

Michael B. Horn

Senior Contributor at Forbes

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Michael B. Horn

Will 25 Percent Of Colleges Consolidate? An Update On A Prediction

The prediction that Clayton Christensen and I made appears to be playing out—and maybe in the timeframe we originally said.

Antisemitism’s Impact On Choosing College: The Bottom Line

Despite a flurry of anecdotes suggesting that Jewish students and others may be fleeing Ivy League schools for colleges in the south, the data remain less than clear

Antisemitism’s Impact On Choosing College: Jewish Sentiment On Campus

The best survey data that you can find on some of these questions are likely from a Tufts professor, Eitan Hirsch.

Antisemitism’s Impact On Choosing College: The Bigger Picture

What the Jobs to Be Done theory shows is that people don’t typically choose something based on demographics. They’re correlative but not causal.

The Solution For The 'Other 95 Percent' To Learn Math - Forbes

In Education Next, Laurence Holt dives into a series of research studies that show strong results for edtech math products—when the programs are used as recommended.

Podcasting For Learning—And An Antidote To Screen Time?

With the flurries of worries over social media and student mental health, given that kids are unlikely to leave tech completely, podcasts can help.

Selective Universities Won't Be Disrupted - Forbes

Not only will the top selective undergraduate colleges likely be OK, but they almost certainly won’t be “disrupted” at all.

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Congress Offers Promising Start To Make Higher Education Progress -...

The legislation mirrors some of the key recommendations I made to the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment.

6 Trends To Watch In K-12 Schools In 2024 - Forbes

Homeschooling, parent power, career technical education for all and more are some of what’s driving K12 education in 2024.

Four Disruptive Trends For Higher Ed In 2024 - Forbes

To state the obvious, 2023 has been a tumultuous year in higher education. As the new year dawns, here are four other trends that could change the status quo in 2024.

Controversy On Whether Growth Mindset Works Will Strengthen The The...

All too often education research falls short of giving educators on the ground actionable advice. A controversy around growth mindset could change that state of affairs

Teacher Shortages Bring To Mind The Saying 'Necessity Is The ... - ...

If Zoom in a Room is making a comeback, although it’s better than the alternative—no teacher at all—it’s also a missed opportunity for deeper innovation.

Former Mass. Governor Moves To Support Employment With College - Fo...

The implications for colleges are many, but one of the clearest is that the importance of learning by doing will continue to elevate in importance.

As Education Choice Grows, Expect More School Unbundling, But No Gr...

We shouldn’t expect an unbundling of school to happen en masse. We should expect greater unbundling in schooling relative to what we’ve had. That’s a step forward.

The Learning Leapfrog In Liberia, Sierra Leone - Forbes

Eighteen years after civil war ended in Liberia, in a school located in a rural village that helps make rubber for Bridgestone, the revolution isn’t around political power. It’s about using technology to personalize learning and unlock progress for children in foundational reading and math.

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Head Of Education On Supporting Studen...

Education philanthropy has a significant role to play in how schools innovate and tackle many of the challenges facing them. For several years, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has been one of the most significant education philanthropies, but it doesn’t operate like a traditional foundation.

With ESAs Soaring, Tech Platform Odyssey Emerges To Help Families A...

Eager to support all families looking for better educational choices, many states have created education savings accounts and microgrant programs. A challenge has been administering these programs, however. Odyssey aims to tackle that problem and has raised a $4.75 million seed round.

Employers Helping Employees Make Career Progress Can Combat ... - F...

The numbers of employees quitting jobs—or “quiet quitting”—continues to attract headlines. New research from Guild’s “American Worker Survey” suggests that these are symptoms of a greater problem: American workers don’t see opportunities to make progress with their current employers.

Schools Should Focus On Progress, Not Finding Problems

Some want students to not only learn how to solve problems, but also how to find them. Others fear that training students to seek out problems is creating ruinous pessimism. There’s a better way forward that splits the difference between the two camps by ensuring that students develop agency.

What Better School Tests Would Look Like

The predominant assessment system in the United States is in dire need of updating. The country needs to move to tests that give a more robust look at what students know and can do without distracting and taking away from learning time. Jay McTighe has a better vision.

Behind The Nerdy Tutoring Surge

High-dosage tutoring is en vogue among those seeking to help students rapidly make up for learning lost during the pandemic. That’s led to interest in schools using federal relief dollars on tutoring solutions, which in turn has fueled spending on a variety of businesses offering tutoring solutions.