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Marshall Segal

Marshall Segal

Author at Desiring God Blog at Desiring God Blog

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    Recent Articles

    Restore Our Joy in You: A Prayer for God-Centered Revival

    When our souls grow dull to spiritual reality, the character of God is our confidence. He has restored us before; he will revive us again.

    How to Plan Wickedly Well

    When you plan, do you acknowledge what you don’t know, admit what you can’t control, and ask God for help? If not, your plans may be well-laid but wicked.

    Live Like Death Is Gain

    How can we make Jesus look good in life and in death? By enjoying him as better than anything life could ever give — and better than anything death could ever take.

    Are You Sailing or Sinking? A Tool for Diagnosing Spiritual Health

    If you want to assess the health of a soul, try asking these four questions from Tim Keller: Are you sailing? Are you rowing? Are you drifting? Or are you sinking?

    Prayer: A Reader’s Guide to a Christian Classic

    His first cancer diagnosis sent Tim Keller on a quest to experience the awe and intimacy that God promises to those who pray. Twelve years later, he wrote the book on what he learned.

    Romance Can Ruin You: How a Relationship Becomes a God - Desiring God

    Romance can be a friend and an ally, or an enemy and a terror. It can point us to the Love we were made for, or it can leave us lovesick forever.

    We Have Sinned and Grown Old: Seeing Through Six-Year-Old Eyes

    What does it say about us that as we grow older, we often lose our ability to notice and enjoy the brilliance and creativity of God in all that he’s made?

    Where's the Lion Now? Making Hard Decisions with Aslan - Desiring God

    When faced with big life decisions, we may find surprising wisdom from a simple question, drawn from Narnia: Where’s the lion now?

    Uncomfortably Limited: The Frustrating Beauty of Finitude

    Like blades of grass, we are here today, gone tomorrow — frail, fragile, finite. But those who fear and follow God know a steadfast love that will outlive the mountains.

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    How to Love an Immortal

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    That Kind of Happy: The Wide Eyes of a Psalm 1 Man

    Some men read the Bible assuming they’ve seen it all before. Others open the same book always expecting to find some new reason to treasure God.

    Flee the Gospel of Me - Desiring God

    The greatest news in the world is that, through Jesus, people made by God, and who have rejected God, may still get to have God.

    Join That Church: Why God Made You for Membership

    In an age of independence and suspicion of authority, becoming a church member is a loud, arresting statement of our devotion to Christ and our need for his body.

    Do You Want to Die Well?

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    Does Technology Help or Hurt Dating? - Desiring God

    Technology can help dating relationships, and technology can hurt them. Unfortunately, many assume the former, while living the latter.

    You Can Understand the Bible - Desiring God

    God gave us the Bible to reveal himself, not to hide himself. So whoever you are, you can understand the Bible.

    The Pleasure of God in Ordinary Work - Desiring God

    If you could see your “ordinary” work through the perspective and pleasure of God, it might not feel so ordinary anymore.

    Can Christians Date Nonbelievers?

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    Why Don’t We Have Good Friends?

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    Messy, Late, and Happy: How to Survive Sundays with Small Kids

    Young families have some good reasons to stay home on Sunday morning. But we have even better reasons to gather the kids, pile in the car, and see God’s people face to face.