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Lizzie Widdicombe

Lizzie Widdicombe

Staff Writer at The New Yorker

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Lizzie Widdicombe

What Can We Learn from the Germans About Confronting Our History? - The New Yorker

But the philosopher Susan Neiman argues that it’s not just Trump or his Administration. Most white Americans are fuzzy on the cause of the Civil War—slavery—and even more are unaware of the decades of racial terror and oppression that followed Reconstruction: lynching, convict leasing, mass incarceration, racist labor practices. “For many people, and I’m including myself until recently, the period between 1865 and the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott is just a blank,” Neiman told me the other day. Th…

The Mysteries of “Baby Shark” - The New Yorker

The answer, I soon learned, was yes. A concert for babies is pretty much the same as a regular concert. The patrons are just smaller, and they act roughly twice as drunk. It was a freezing-cold night, and, by 6:15 P.M., hundreds of “Baby Shark” fans were swarming the theatre’s red-carpeted lobby. Most were wearing shark paraphernalia: shark hats, full-body shark costumes, and sweatsuits displaying pictures of SmartStudy’s cartoon-shark family and the song’s famous lyric, “Doo doo doo doo doo doo…

The Rage and Sorrow of the Warren Supporter - The New Yorker

Warren had failed to win any primary contests on Super Tuesday, and had placed third in her home state of Massachusetts. That morning, she’d informed staff on a conference call that she was ending her campaign, adding, “I will carry you in my heart for the rest of my life.” The volunteers drank boxed wine and I.P.A. beer, and nibbled on chocolate cake and tortilla chips. They posed for a picture with a cardboard cutout of Warren, draped in a rainbow feather boa, chanting “Dream big! Fight hard!”…

The Stranded Babies of the Coronavirus Disaster - The New Yorker

Three years later, they were married and trying to have children. They were both thirty-eight. The desire to procreate had crept up on them. Abbie, who is petite with dark-brown hair, was running events at Chelsea Market, a fancy mall in Manhattan. Ben, who has a close-cut beard, was managing a small group of properties in Queens. Their friends were having babies; Abbie said, “Suddenly, we just knew this would be the next step for us—becoming parents.” But Abbie had trouble getting pregnant. The…

The Moms Who Are Battling Climate Change - The New Yorker

I did some further Googling: What will the world look like when she’s middle-aged? When her children are middle-aged? I found a Web site that lets you plot major events in your child’s life against the projected global-temperature increase. Even the “optimistic” scenarios show the world warming two degrees during her lifetime. The more realistic scenarios—the ones based on what countries are actually doing to reduce emissions, not what they’ve pledged—show it heating up to three degrees. There i…

Diving Into the Subconscious of the “Cuomosexual” - The New Yorker

How could we have witnessed the Governor’s narcissism, bullying, and hackneyed paternalism, and found these qualities attractive? A psychoanalyst gives her take.

Finding Love in a Hopeless Place - The New Yorker

In-person dating is back, and it’s seemingly more awkward than ever.

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At Last, an App for Menopause - The New Yorker

Getting your period, fertility struggles—these are things that women feel increasingly comfortable talking about. But what about losing your period?

How Texas Abortion Volunteers Are Adapting After S.B. 8 - The New Y...

In addition to helping people get to abortion appointments out of state, volunteer groups have been inundated with requests to deliver Plan B pills and pregnancy tests.

What Does Kyrsten Sinema Really Want? - The New Yorker

The Arizona senator seems bent on proving to the world that she is not like other Democrats.

A Reproductive-Rights Activist Explains the Realities of Abortion f...

“When you have to flee a country . . . it’s women who are being raped, sexually harassed, sexually assaulted,” Elizabeth Estrada, of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, said.