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Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson

Gardening Columnist at The Daily Telegraph -

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  • Gardening
  • English
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Media Database
Ken Thompson

Why the future of frankincense, the aromatic festive favourite, hangs in the balance

We all know about holly and mistletoe, but the story of frankincense is sadly lacking in Christmas cheer

Why houseplants have the answer to pollution in the home - The Tele...

Chlorinated hydrocarbons are widely used as solvents and as raw materials for the synthesis of all kinds of useful products, such as cleaning agents and pesticides.

When it comes to twining plants, Charles Darwin was right - The Tel...

Even before they do any climbing, twining stems revolve and, once they hit a support, this revolving leads naturally to twining in whichever direction they had previously been revolving.

Ken Thompson: why are monster-sized leaves typically tropical?

Let’s assume you would like your garden to have a “tropical” look.

The Great British gardener's quiz - how green fingered are you? - T...

I just tried answering a few practice UK citizenship tests.

How to combat climate change from your garden - The Telegraph

When the screenwriter William Goldman said “nobody knows anything”, he was talking about the inability of anyone in Hollywood to predict what would turn out to be the next blockbuster.

Everything you need to know about neophytes - The Telegraph

A book I really enjoyed last year was one of the latest in Collins’s New Naturalist series:

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Ken Thompson: Why tea bags will help your garden - The Telegraph

A tea bag doesn’t look like much, does it?

Ken Thompson: everything you need to know about mistletoe - The Tel...

Around this time of year, there’s always a proliferation of articles about frankincense, myrrh, holly etc.

Should we reintroduce the lynx? - The Telegraph

Sick of finding deer in your daylilies? Foxes in your flower beds? Perhaps it’s time we reintroduced a top predator to keep them in check

Giving up unhealthy sugar? Then feed it to your plants - The Telegraph

Sugar has been getting a lot of bad press recently, but it’s surprisingly useful – in the garden

Grow your own veg, save the planet - The Telegraph

Is growing your own fruit and vegetables the best way to lower your carbon footprint?

Are mail-order bees a good idea? - The Telegraph

Mail-order bees may not offer the benefits for the environment or for pollination in your garden you expect.

Why plants can be the key to solving crimes - The Telegraph

Botanical evidence is increasingly being used by police to analyse crimes, often to link suspects to murders.

Gardeners: Failed by fiction and film - The Telegraph

Why are gardeners portrayed as dull in fiction and film, when we grapple with life and death?

Don't judge a plant by appearances - The Telegraph

DNA technology is transforming the way we classify flora, says Ken Thompson.