I would have never learned to be a better person if I didn’t make a ton of
mistakes along the way. That trial and error process defines who I am, and
everything I can strive to become.
Many gamers know that that the fight to defend geek culture is another essential
front in the culture war. It would be easy for conservatives to throw up their
hands and say “Game Over,” let the left win and make gaming into another safe
Carlos Maza’s career as an activist is evident in his actions as a journalist
who campaigns to restrict what others say in service of his political agenda.
AntiFa’s attack on journalist Andy Ngo was met with glee by Twitter’s elite blue
checkmark brigade, who expressed their support for the militant leftists.
Twitter exposes its double standards by allowing a transgender activist to hurl
misogynistic insults at a woman, whom the platform banned for responding.