In 2017, Dr. Christopher Bengson was appointed as the IHS’s first chief clinical consultant for dermatology, a post that provides him the opportunity to interface with Native people and IHS-affiliated clinicians nationwide.
The investigators aimed to characterize differences in LS and vitiligo based on history, physical exam, and demographic findings at the initial clinic visit.
Results provide “preliminary data suggesting that treatment of localized, early-stage MCC with MMS may result in the most optimal patient survival outcomes,” the authors wrote.
The three most common autoimmune skin diseases in the study cohort were vitiligo (30%), alopecia areata (30%), and cutaneous lupus erythematosus (27%).
“If you are contributing to cases in textbooks, make sure you have a variety of different skin types so that individuals who are referring to the textbooks will be more equipped,” Dr. Patricia A. Treadwell advised.