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Donna Lu

Donna Lu

Science Writer at Guardian Australia

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Donna Lu

‘Are we alone in the universe?’: work begins in Western Australia on world’s most powerful radio ...

More than 100,000 antennas will be built on Wajarri country, enabling astronomers to peek billions of years back to the ‘cosmic dawn’

Snakes have clitorises: scientists overcome ‘a massive taboo around...

Scientists say previous research mistook the organs on female snakes as scent glands or under-developed versions of penises

Emperor penguin at risk of extinction, along with two-thirds of nat...

International study projects up to 80% of emperor penguin colonies to be ‘quasi-extinct’ by 2100

Soft plastic, not fantastic: what to do with Australia’s bread bags...

Trials are under way to find advanced solutions to a notoriously difficult problem. But could a focus on recycling distract from other issues?

You get paid to do what? Five Australians share what it’s like to h...

From diving into mysterious substances to sniffing frogs to painting people’s eyeballs, there are many ways to earn a crust

Plant-based meat sold in Australian supermarkets healthier than rea...

Researchers comparing nutritional value of meat found many plant products may not be fortified with iron, vitamin B12 and zinc

Space dust from 4.2bn-year-old asteroid could hold key to preventin...

Rubble pile asteroid is almost as old as the solar system, a sign that it can withstand great shocks and may be difficult to destroy, research suggests

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Australian period underwear makers deny using 'forever chemicals .....

Modibodi and Bonds say they avoid using PFAS chemicals, which break down slowly over time and have unclear health impacts

Three or more concussions add up to long-term cognitive problems, s...

Multiple concussions in a lifetime were shown to affect the ability to plan and pay attention, though research also underlined health benefits of playing sport

What is the radioactive capsule missing in WA used for and how dang...

As authorities scour the desert for the missing source, here’s what we know about how it works and what threat it poses to humans

Dying for sex: endangered male quolls may be mating themselves to d...

Data suggests male northern quolls rest less than females and spend much more time on the move, leading to their death after a single breeding season

The green comet: how to see a once-in-50,000-years event in Austral...

The speeding C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and its icy tail will not be visible from most parts of Australia until 5 February – and won’t be visible again from Earth for a long, long time

Tropical Queensland’s spotted-tail quoll facing extinction - The Gu...

Rapid decline stumps researchers, who theorise traffic collisions, climate crisis, cane toads and inbreeding could play a role

Prescribing nature: the restorative power of a simple dose of outdo...

The health benefits of green or blue prescriptions are many and there are calls to integrate them more into routine care

Smoke from Australian bushfires depleted ozone layer by up to 5 ......

Lead researcher says destruction was similar to process of Antarctic ozone hole forming each spring ‘but at much warmer temperatures’

Australia's air pollution hotspots hit disadvantaged people harder ...

Exclusive: Analysis shows unfair distribution of airborne particulates, compounding existing inequalities

Death cap mushrooms: why are they so toxic and how can poisoning be...

Eating even a very small amount of the mushrooms at the centre of the suspected poisoning in Victoria can be fatal, and treatment is often only effective if administered very quickly

Queensland man in 60s dies after snake bite when removing reptile f...

Ambulance service uncertain of the species that bit the man but says symptoms point to a brown snake

Call for national strategy to force Australian vaping industry to c...

Lithium-ion batteries embedded in the products have been blamed for an increasing number of hazardous fires at landfill sites

Positively glowing: fluorescent mammals are far more common than ea...

Scientists believe luminescent quality is widespread after finding 86% of species studied had fur that glowed in UV light

Similar numbers of male and female turtles hatched at Coral Sea sit...

Sex determination of sea turtles is temperature dependent, with the proportion of female hatchlings increasing when nests are warmer