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David Kopel

David Kopel

Blogger at The Volokh Conspiracy

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David Kopel

New Textbook: Firearms Law and the Second Amendment

Regulation, Rights, and Policy

Audio books on British history

If you enjoy audio books and you’re interested in history, here is the first in a series of recommended books,...

Audio Books on European History

This is the second in a series of recommended audio books. This one focuses on continental European history. Recommended for...

Guns Kill People, and Tyrants with Gun Monopolies Kill the Most

In the long term, disarmament often leads to mass murder by government.

Fourth Circuit amicus brief on Maryland handgun licensing law - Reason

Maryland’s handgun license statute fails the Supreme Court’s history test.

2022 Supplement for Firearms Law and the Second Amendment

Learn about all the important developments in the last year

The original meaning of the Indian Commerce Clause

Professor Natelson versus Professor Ablavsky

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The Paranoid Style in Gun Control Politics

If you’re looking for a website like QAnon, but catering to gun control advocates, you will enjoy some articles from...

Tiananmen Square: An enduring symbol of the Chinese Communist Party...

This week the Communist Chinese Party is holding a congress at the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square,...

The Theoretical Lethality Index is useful for military history but ...

Professors Miller and Tucker miss the mark, while Saul Cornell disdains accuracy

Data on Mass Murder by Government in the 20th Century

Communists killed the most, followed by fascists.

Bowie knife statutes 1837-1899

Bowies were regulated like other knives; knives were sometimes regulated like handguns

The legal history of bans on firearms and Bowie knives before 1900

Bowie knives are back in constitutional law news these days, after a very long absence. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen...

The Sources Cited by the Supreme Court in Bruen - Reason

Guidance for judicial examination of legal history.

Old gun controls that were constitutionally repealed are not ... - ...

Amicus brief in Supreme Court’s Second Amendment Rahimi case

The Solicitor General's response to my amicus brief in Rahimi - Reason

Only one federal firearms prohibitor does not require any specific finding of fact

How magazine bans thwart self-defense - Reason

Bans on standard magazines benefit criminals and endanger victims

History Podcasts for the New Year - Reason

Want to start the new year by listening to a history podcast? Here are some suggestions. Rather than providing links...

Firearms Law Works-in-Progress Conference 2024 - Reason

DATE: May 23-24, 2024 LOCATION: Durham, NC ABSTRACTS DUE: February 9, 2024 The Duke Center for Firearms Law and the...

Law Enforcement Trainers File Scotus Amicus Brief against Maryland ...

Citizens should be able to choose the same high-quality defensive arms that peace officers choose

Call for Papers: National Firearms Act Symposium - Reason

Date: Friday, October 18, 2024 Location: Laramie, Wyoming Abstracts Due: July 29, 2024 Manuscripts Due: August 29, 2024 The Wyoming Law Review and...