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Chris Palmer

Chris Palmer

Criminal Justice Reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer

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Chris Palmer

Two Philly Police officers were shot, one fatally, while trying to stop a ... - The Philadelphia ...

The incident left Officer Richard Mendez, 50, dead from several gunshot wounds, and injured Officer Raul Ortiz, 60. An 18-year-old, Jesus Herman Madera Duran, was also killed, police said.

Two airport shooting suspects charged in murder of Officer Richard ...

Alexander Batista-Polanco and Yobranny Martinez-Fernandez were denied bail and jailed after being arraigned overnight. Hendrick Peña-Fernandez is awaiting extradition.

Mark Dial charges reinstated in shooing of Eddie Irizarry - The Phi...

The decision by Common Pleas Court Judge Lillian Ransom means the prosecution of Mark Dial will now proceed to trial.

Video shows how the Philly jail escape happened - The Philadelphia ...

The two escapees were also able to manipulate their doors open and avoid detection by motion sensors, which had been turned off years ago, DA Larry Krasner told City Councilmembers.

Philip Nordo connection sinks another Philly murder case - The Phil...

A judge ruled that the case against Curtis Kingwood and Faheem Davis had been irreparably tainted, including by credible allegations that Nordo sexually assaulted Kingwood in an interrogation room.

Supreme Court considers Larry Krasner impeachment intervention - Th...

The state Supreme Court questioned whether courts should be allowed to effectively strike down an impeachment approved by the state House, or if it should be resolved at a trial in the Senate.

A Pa. Supreme Court justice recused himself from Philly DA Larry Kr...

Justice P. Kevin Brobson decided to withdraw after disclosing that a lawyer representing Krasner’s opponents had previously worked as the justice’s personal attorney and on his campaign.

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Kendall Stephens, a Philadelphia LGBTQ+ advocate, arrested in sexua...

Kendall Stephens was jailed Monday on charges including rape, indecent assault, and unlawful contact with minors, the records show.

Gun violence in Philadelphia declined in 2023 - The Philadelphia In...

Gun violence has dropped by large numbers, police statistics show. But shootings and homicides remain at levels not seen for decades since before they spiked amid the pandemic.

Perjury case against Philly detectives is being reviewed by judge -...

The DA’s Office has accused Martin Devlin, Manuel Santiago, and Frank Jasztremsbki of lying at a 2016 retrial. Their attorneys say the prosecution is marred by misconduct.

Philly's new SEPTA prosecutor was not appointed by the deadline - T...

District Attorney Larry Krasner has sued to challenge the law that created the position, calling it an unconstitutional attempt to strip powers from his office.