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Ariana Cha

Ariana Cha

National Reporter at The Washington Post

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  • Health & Medicine
  • National News
  • English
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Media Database
Ariana Cha

Repeat coronavirus infections can still be dangerous, study suggests

The research found that patients with reinfections tended to have more complications in organ systems and a greater chance of being diagnosed with long covid.

Covid deaths skew older, reviving questions about ‘acceptable loss’

The pandemic has become a plague of the elderly, with nearly 9 out of 10 deaths in people 65 or older.

Why a 'tripledemic' is keeping many of us sick for weeks at a time ...

It’s like ‘a big bomb of viruses went off,’ says a pediatrician treating kids with flu, RSV, strep and covid.

Invasive strep A is on the rise and affecting kids in unusual ways ...

Rare bacterial infections, such as invasive strep A, are popping up around the United States and Europe, with unusual effects for children.

Guidelines suggesting drugs, surgery for child obesity get backlash...

But experts say that the old approach of “watchful waiting” often failed and that many children developed lifelong health issues.

What you need to know about the new childhood obesity guidelines - ...

Aggressive treatment, including medication for kids as young as 12, and surgery for those as young as 13, is now recommended.

What you need to know about the new childhood obesity guidelines - ...

Aggressive treatment, including medication for kids as young as 12, and surgery for those as young as 13, is now recommended.

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HIV at center of latest culture war after Tennessee rejects federal...

The red-state pushback mirrors tensions over federal priorities on covid, abortion and other health issues

Faith leaders with transgender kids fight raft of trans bills - The...

They say their children’s lives and religious liberty are threatened by bills proposed in Missouri and elsewhere.

Fatty liver disease, Children/kids, ultraprocessed foods - The Wash...

The condition is now estimated to be as common as asthma in children. Our diet and lifestyle are the suspected culprits.

They're young and athletic. They're also ill with a condition calle...

The syndrome tends to strike suddenly, leaving previously healthy people unable to function, with no clear cause.