Media relations made simple

Find relevant media contacts, create and send press releases, track mentions, build reports, and more. Prowly has everything to get your PR work done.

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Trusted by 1,000+ brands worldwide

  • Find relevant media contacts

    Access a database of over 1,000,000 contacts and select journalists most likely to be interested in your message

    Try for free
    Media Database
  • Track every single online mention

    Track press hits across the web with advanced filters and AI that make sure you're focusing on just the PR mentions that matter

    Try for free
    Media Monitoring & Intelligence
  • Manage your media contacts

    Conversation histories make it easy to build relationships with journalists and increase your chances of getting media coverage

    Try for free
    PR CRM
  • Data-driven pitching

    Get your message out to your contact list and start engaging in dialogues that result in media exposure

    Try for free
    Media Pitching
  • Create your press release

    Easily customize the content and appearance of your press releases and stand out in journalists' inboxes

    Try for free
    Press Releases
  • Create PR reports

    Show off the results of your PR efforts with relevant and comprehensive data using customizable coverage reports

    Try for free
    PR Reports
  • Publish press releases
 in a newsroom

    Make it easy for journalists to find all the information they need about your brand and share links to your newest announcements

    Try for free

    Suited for any PR need

    In-house PR teams

    Keep all your company news in one place that's easily accessible to journalists. Provide the media with all the information they need to write about you.

    PR agencies

    Manage all client PR activities with one tool, create multiple online newsrooms, and share access for simplified teamwork and collaboration.

    Small businesses

    Get publicity for your business with an easy-to-use tool with a media database of over 1,000,000 contacts and pitch journalists right from the app.

    Your new favorite PR software

    Save hourson everyday PR tasks
    Collaboratewith your whole PR team
    Discovernew media opportunities
    Analyzehow people react to your content
    Get supportwhenever needed
    Stand outin journalists' inboxes

    How Medstar Media used Prowly to land 150 publications and make their social campaign go viral.

    "I love Prowly. Your service helped me locate the press contacts I needed to make a breast cancer awareness video we did go viral. My mom is a survivor. We were able to spread the word because you made it easier for us to contact the right people."

    Chris Zelig, Partner, Medstar Media

    Voted #1 PR Software

    Start your free, 7-day trial